Monday, January 27, 2020
Polycythemia Vera: Causes and Treatment
Polycythemia Vera: Causes and Treatment From the ancient times to the modern era of today where everything is said to be changed irrespective the good or bad, not only mankind had undergone an evolution but so as the diseases which is why new medical innovations are highly needed to counteract such dilemma. Diseases do not only invade a person externally but also can spread internally as well such as blood diseases. Blood diseases are diseases that involve the mechanisms, functions, site of production, and most importantly the components of blood. According to Hezy (2010), one of the major blood disease is polycythemia Vera, also known as erythremia, primary polycythemia, and polycythemia rubra Vera. Polycythemia Vera is a myeloproliferative rare blood disease in which the bone marrow produces excessive amount of erythrocytes and may also result in the overproduction of leukocytes or platelets causing the blood to be thicker and travels slower than normal. This is a very serious problem as sooner or later the person would suffer from heart attack or stroke as the possibility of having a stroke or heart failure increase by 80% if a person suffers from polycythemia Vera due to blockage of blood vessels. Although polycythemia Vera is considered a very rare disease, it still happens among us despite its low possibility. Therefore, treatments are highly recommended as it could be fatal or lead to another sort of diseases as well because a subset of patients with polcythemia Vera may progress to acute myelogenous leukemia or myelofibribrosis stated by ClinicalKey (2012). From the research of Ann Intern Med (2013), the statistics shown that polycythemia Vera can occur in any individual irrespective age or gender but it has been proven that is it more common among people with the age group of 50 to 70 years. In overall, polycythemia Vera is more prevalent in men than in women. According to Vanasse G., et al (2008), the data claimed from major commercial insurance payers in Connecticut and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimated that the number of patients with polycythemia Vera is 22 per 100,000 respectively for the age-standardized prevalence and it is also estimated that there is a total of approximately 65,200 patients with polycythemia Vera applying the age-specific prevalence to the entire US population in 2003 which is the first assessed prevalence of polycythemia Vera in the large US population. Moreover, Brian J.S., et al (2004) stated that a comprehensive review reported the incidence of polycythemia Vera to be 2.3 per 100,000 each year worldwide. After a thorough diagnosis, the seriousness of polycythemia Vera is underscored by the fact that the median survival for untreated symptomatic patients is about six months to one and a half year but for treating patients, the median survival can be surprisingly prolonged to about seven to fifteen years. Based on DoctorTipster (2011), there are a few factors that may increase the risk of developing polycythemia Vera. Firstly, aging is one of the unavoidable factors as the chances of developing polycythemia Vera grow with age. Normally people around the age of 60 years are more prone to this disease and it is hardly found in people who are under 20 years of age. Secondly, it is a fact that polycythemia Vera effects with predilection men and lesser in women by comparison. Thirdly, families with medical history is also one of the risk factors that can lead to polycythemia Vera. Most cases of polycythemia Vera are not inherited, it is associated with genetic changes that are somatic, means that they acquire during a persons lifetime and are only present in certain cells and not transmitted or passed down generally from parents to children. However, in rare instances family history of polycythemia Vera especially relatives are said to be the cause for the increase of risk for developing t he disease. In these families, the risk of developing polycythemia appears to have an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. Autosomal dominant inheritance means that one copy of an altered gene in each cell is sufficient to increase the risk of developing polycythemia Vera, although in these cases no causative genes have been identified but these people seem to inherit an increased risk of polycythemia Vera, not the disease itself. Last but not least, the environmental conditions or lifestyles also count as a risk factor as well as polycythemia Vera can occur due to different lifestyles or even different exposures to environmental conditions such as radiation. Exposure to intense radiation may actually increase the risk for the condition or even trigger the disease because the main reason for the development of disease is genetic mutation. Lack of exercise or unhealthy diet will only aggravate the body conditions as most of the people nowadays are already in bad shape because o f neglecting health care for work and stress. Pr Jean B. (2010), stated that the main source of determining an individual either with or without polycythemia Vera is based on whether the mutation occurred in the bodys genes which is the major cause of polycythemia Vera. Polycythemia Vera happens because of the presence of abnormal clonal stem cell expansion that suppresses the growth and maturation of normal stem cell which is a somatic mutation known as JAK2-V617F commonly in exon 14 of the JAK2 gene or in exon 12 which is less common. However, exactly what causes the mutation is still a matter of debate. The presence of a V617F or a mutation of the JAK2 gene can be diagnosed because the gene actually functions to make a protein that aids the body in producing blood cells and so there will be an elevation in the amount of white blood cells, platelets, hematocrit, hemoglobin, and most of all the red blood cell mass which is about 125% greater compared with the normal. As a result, the blood will become thicker and harder to pump which is very dangerous as it can relate to heart attack, stroke, and other health diseases. Almost all of the health problems associated with polycythemia Vera are caused by the blood of the individual being unusually thick due to overproduction of red blood cells in the body. The disease is more common in the elderly and can be either symptomatic or asymptomatic. TheFreeDictionary (2013), stated that normally there will be common signs and symptoms such as itching and severe burning pain in the hands or feet accompanied by a reddish and bluish colouration of the skin most likely on the face. Unfortunately, patients with polycythemia Vera are also likely to develop gouty arthritis. As the development of polycythemia Vera is rather slow, signs and symptoms might not show for years. Therefore, the disease is often found out when a blood test is done for other purposes. However, when the signs and symptoms are present due to the thickness of the blood slowing down the flow of oxygenated blood to all parts of the body and this will lead to many parts of the body unable to funct ion properly with insufficient oxygen. As a result, one may experience headaches, dizziness, blurred or double vision, shortness of breath, numbness, itchiness especially after bathing with hot water, fatigue, and more. Besides that, there are actually levels or phases where symptoms or effects are shown at various stages. The symptoms of the early polycythemia Vera may be minimal so it is not unusual for the disease to be discovered easily. Patients often experience symptoms like headaches, confusion or impaired memories, breathing difficulty, giddiness, vomiting, hypertension and much more which people would treat them like a minor or a common issue. In some patients early symptoms include unusual heavy bleeding from minor cuts, nosebleeds, pain in the bone, or stomach ulcers but there are a few cases the first symptoms is the development of blood clots in an unusual part of the circulatory system such as the liver. As the disease develops, the patients may have episodes of thromb osis or hemorrhage where the fact that thrombosis is the most frequent cause of death from polycythemia Vera. Other complications include a high concentration of uric acid in the blood which increases the risk of getting other diseases. About 10% of the patients eventually develop gout and the other 10% develop peptic ulcers. Based on MayoClinic (2012), one of the effects of polycyhemia Vera is causing the spleen to be greatly enlarged also known as splenomegaly as the spleen aids the body against infections and filter unwanted materials such as old or damaged blood cells. With the increased number of blood cells caused by polycythemia Vera, the spleen intends to work harder than normal which leads to spleen enlargement and the patients spleen may even be able to fill the entire left side of the abdomen as time goes on. Therefore, the patients might have the feeling of fullness or bloated in the upper left part of the abdomen. Where there is a problem, there will always be solutions to overcome it. According to the (1997), polycythemia Vera is treated with procedures, medicines, and some other treatments. A person with polycythemia Vera may need one or more treatments to manage this disease. The actual goals of treating this blood disease are to control the symptoms and reduce the risk of complications especially heart failure and stroke so in order to achieve the target, the treatments for polycythemia Vera reduce the number of erythrocytes and the level of hemoglobin in the blood which will make the thickness of the blood to be much closer to normal, thus reducing the chances of blood clots in the blood vessels. For this disease, the most recommended treatment is phlebotomy. Phlebotomy is a procedure that removes some blood from the body by inserting a needle into one of the veins and channels the blood into a sterile container via an airtight tube which is quite similar to the p rocess of blood donation. Through this treatment, the red blood cell count is reduced and this brings the thickness of the blood closer to normal. Typically, 1 unit of blood which is around 350ml is removed per week until the hematocrit level which is the measure of how much space red blood cells occupied in the blood falls back to normal and this process is normally carried out every few months. The next treatment involves medications, the doctors may prescribe certain medicines for example hydroxyurea and interferon-alpha that prevents the bone marrow from making way too many red blood cells. Hydroxyurea is a medicine generally used in treating cancer, it has the ability to reduce the number of red blood cells and platelets in the blood whereas interferon-alpha is a substance that our bodies usually produces to prompt our immune system to fight against overactive bone marrow cells. Moreover, radiation treatment is also available as it can help to suppress overactive bone marrow ce lls which prevent them from making red blood cells uncontrollably but this treatment is less recommended by doctors as the radiation treatment can increase the risk of leukaemia or other blood diseases. Another treatment is by taking aspirin as aspirin can relieve bone pain and the burning sensation in the hands and feet due to polycythemia Vera. In addition, aspirin also has the function to dilute blood so besides relieving pains it also thins the blood causing the blood to flow better in the blood vessels. However, taking aspirin can have side effects without the controlling the amount or dosage. For those who cannot resist the itching caused by polycythemia Vera, the doctor may also prescribe ultraviolet light treatment to relieve the itching. As preventions are better than cure, it is always a better choice not to rely too much on medications or drugs when solving problems related to health but try using other methods instead if possible. According to the NasionalHeartLungBloodinstitution (2011), people with polycythemia Vera should bath using cool water as it helps to reduce the irritation of the skin. Then, always remember to pat the body dry gently after bathing because vigorous rubbing with a towel can also irritate the skin as well. Lastly, one can also take starch baths by adding half a box of starch to a tub of lukewarm water because starch baths can actually help to soothe the skin. Besides taking trivial measures in daily activities, there are other ways to prevent or reduce the risk of one getting polycythemia Vera. First of all moderate physical activities such as walking and stretching is required to maintain a healthy heart rate and to improve blood flow in the body. By improving the blood flowing in the body , the risk of blood clots can be minimized. Following a healthy lifestyle can lower the risk of heart and lung disease, also will help to prevent one from developing secondary polycythemia. Sometimes, secondary polycythemia can be prevented by avoiding activities that will deprive our bodies of oxygen for long periods such as mountain climbing, smoking or other vigorous activities and sports. As a conclusion, polycythemia Vera is a chronic, and dangerous disease that can be very much fatal if not diagnosed and treated well. Although this disease has no cure, at least until today but the treatments provided will be able to help control the disease and its complications thus prolong more lives. However, it is wiser that we as the owner of our own health should bear most of the responsibilities rather than just relying on doctors and medicines when problems arise as an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Movements in Films | An overview Movements in Films | An overview Neoclassicism Neoclassicism (began after 1750) was a revival of Greek and Roman art; a direct reaction to the excessiveness of Baroque and Rococo styles. During the American and French Revolutions, the political atmosphere began to lean towards an Age of Reason and Enlightenment. With admiration for classical Roman and Greek art renewed after excavations of Herculaneum and Pompei, efforts for style to accompany philosophy caused an inevitable return to the classics. During this period, the subject matter often included a reverence for nature, tradition and the classics, moral values (such as nationalism and courage), along with a distrust for innovation. Early works of artists such as Jean August Dominique Ingres and especially Jacques-Louis David encompassed the thematic elements associated with Neoclassicism. Jacques-Louis Davids Oath of the Horatii can be considered as a turning point for the beginning of the neoclassic style. The painting possesses many qualities synonymous with neoclassicism. It is a tribute to Roman history, depicting three men with intense, dramatic and contrasted lighting, clarity of the characters forms/ gestures, and a deliberately simple composition. Davids Death of Marat is another example of a theatrical piece that combines a balanced composition and symbolism (martyrdom) with the moral undertone of the painting. Two other examples of Neoclassicist paintings are Napoleon I on his Imperial Throne and La Grande Odalis que. Romanticism Romanticism ( early-mid 19th century) was in reaction to Neoclassicism. Characteristics of Romanticist paintings include painterly brushstrokes, a clear display of emotion, nature, and diagonals. Some examples of this type of art includes Liberty Leading the People and Death of Sardanpalus by Eugà ¨ne Delacroix where his practiced use of expressive brushstrokes is made visible. Liberty Leading the People is an example of a romanticized symbol of France. Different social classes can be seen in French Romanticism, where the dead, dying, stronger, and strongest are specifically allocated throughout the piece. Other examples of Romanticist art includes The Raft of Medusa and Evening: Landscape with an Aquaduct by Thà ©odore Gà ©ricault. British Romanticism was more focused on using pure abstraction to help create expression. Examples include J.M. W. Turners Burning of Parliament and Rain, Steam and Speed The Great Western Railway. This type of use of ochre and white streaks was common, along with pastoral elements. John Constables The Hay Way and Dedham Vale are two other examples of British Romanticism. This type of art was easy to look at for the viewer. Realism Realism (mid 19th century) was created by a French group called the Barbizon School. Like the name implies a dedication to trying to capture the details through observation was an objective for the French Realists. Examples include Woman with a Pearl and Venise, La Piazzetta. Realists did not necessarily try to recreate what was directly in front of them, adjusting the situation to create an ideal piece was common and more practical. Other examples include Jean-Franà §ois Millets The Sower and The Gleaners. These types of works inspired the (post) impressionists that would see these exhibited paintings later on. Realism in landscapes is also seen in Courbets works, such as Plage de Normandie and Self-portrait (The Desperate Man) Impressionism Impressionism (1870s -1880s) was a term created from the first named Impressionist work, Claude Monets Impression, Sunrise. Characteristics of this type of painting includes the appreciation of art history, and an admiration upon light. Brush strokes are visible despite not being bold. Moments are captured, and time is a dimension that is fundamental in this type of art. Another example of a Monet that reflects Impressionisms characteristics well is Woman with a Parasol. Impressionism was a style that became highly developed, every brushstroke had its place, working with a highly selective palette. Edgar Degas New Orleans Cotton Exchange and The Dance Class are two famous examples of Impressionism. These paintings of ballet dancers became synonymous with the movement. Music in the Tuileries and The Luncheon on the Grass by Édouard Manet both further display this type of freeze-frame feeling. There is a certain serenity to this movement, and though the technique is variable, it ul timately results in a soft feel to the painting. The female figure was also often in the foreground of these pieces due to the political atmosphere, and the type of mood they helped establish within a piece. Post-Impressionism Post-Impressionism was a term coined by Roger Fry for one of Manets later exhibits. After no longer accepting the simple subject matter, and lack of compositional formatting in Impressionism, Post-Impressionist artists came up with their own ways to restore some more of the traditional compositional values into paintings. Georges Seurat used pointillism, a technique using dots of colour to allow them to blend into new colours through optical illusion, in his pieces such as Circus Sideshow and Le Chahut. Vincent Van Gogh used raw emotion and expressive brushstrokes in his pieces (Ex: Starry Night over the Rhone and Sunflowers, two of the most recognizable post-impressionist works) to recreate his own life and all the depressions that were contained within it. Other examples include Henri de Toulouse-Lautrecs At the Moulin Rouge: Two Women Waltzing and Quadrille at the Moulin Rouge. Late 19th Century Architecture Joseph Paxtons piece The Crystal Palace was a reaction to the Industrial Revolution, a piece that was the result of a movement away from traditional materials such as wood. Rather, a progression towards steel and new, more advanced materials was created. The Eiffel Tower (named after its engineer Gustave Eiffel) is another example of this type of architecture. An internation symbol for France, the tower is an engineering marvel, despite its intense criticism. Using purely steel for the structure of the body, it is an exploration of the new materials available during the era. Early 20th Century Architecture This type of architecture was a direct tie-in with Bauhaus. Artists such as Frank Lloyd Wright began exploring functional forms, and houses being living machines led to the creation of his works such as Falling Water, The Robie House and The Walter Fale House. The flat roofs and cantilever systems were brand new ideas in this type of art. Other examples include Le Corbusiers Centre Le Corbusier and Villa Savoye. Walter Gropius and Mies Van Der Rohe also explored the new possibilities created by mechanization and factories. (covered in Bauhaus) Suprematism Suprematism (which began in 1915) was a purely Russian art movement was devised by Kasimir Malevich as an era dedicated to geometric forms. Painting was reduced to ideas belonging to a supreme reality that embodied the essence of purity. This was a period that intersected cubo-futurism and (but came slightly before) Suprematism. Lyubov Popova was another important artist during this movement and a member of Malevichs Supremus group. His philosophy was that art should be reduced into a spiritual essence that exceeds the limits of religion and attains the supremacy of pure emotion. These paintings were minimal and done in a linear fashion. Malevichs Suprematist Composition: White on White is the ultimate example of Suprematism. After much experimentation with the tilting of a quadrilateral within a 4-dimensional frame and tampering with the relationship between art and science, the result was an incredibly pure painting using two shades of white. Another example would be Malevichs Black Square. Constructivism Constructivism (1919-1934), literally meaning to construct was a disciplinary artistic style that rose during the Russian Revolution. The new Communist order had decided to progress the ideas Analytic Cubism into the third dimension through sculpture. Contemporary, industrial materials such as glass, steel, wood, plastic were used in order to create engineering feats that were beyond art for arts sake. The movement was highly developed by Vladmir Tatlin, Naum Gabo, and Aleksander Rodchenko, the latter two who officially coined the term. According to Tatlin and his followers, these constructions were actually four-dimensional. Since they implied motion, they also implied time. The most recognizable piece of Constructivism was Tatlins attempt to create The Monument to the Third International. Meant to be constructed out of glass, iron and steel, it was hoped to have been a tower to supersede the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Even if the technology to create the monument had been available, there would most likely have been little to no structural practicality to it. In this type of utilitarian construction art, beauty is combined with some type of function or geometry: a twin helix being the main structure, glass four suspended forms (a cube, pyramid, a hemisphere, and a cylinder) all have practical uses, and the entire piece consists of futuristic paths to carry people through the structure with mechanical devices. Naum Gabo was colleagues and friends with Tatlin, Wassily Kandinsky, and Rodchenko. He began a new kind of plastic construction strung with nylon filament that comes very close to mathematical models. After looking for ties between art and science, the models he created in his Linear Construction series reflect upon modern physics that came after his time. Nylon threads are strung around a plexiglass base in an entirely mathematical arrangement. Contrary to many other constructivists, he partook in the movement in a purely spiritual sense. Gabo also had a strong interest in kinetic sculptures, which can be seen in his Revolving Torsion Fountain in London. With the main structure being made out of stainless steel, the contrastingly formless water is used as an integral moving element to complete the 4-dimensional composition. The jets pulsate at different levels, rotating and in particular rhythms. Selecting elements for specific purposes is a common trait of the mindset of a construc tivist. Dada Dadaism (1916-1922) was a direct reaction to the absurdity of World War I and the devastating amount of deaths it caused. This intellectual, anti-war movement ridiculed the disgusting parts of the world, such as the upper-class, rationale, and false nationalism and materialism. The name was selected randomly after flipping through a dictionary. This anti-art symbolized the opposite of everything that used to be considered aesthetically acceptable. Groups created in the name of Dada began forming, and the First German Dada Manifesto was published. Marcel Duchamp was a pioneer in this movement, beginning the use of readymades or found objects, and labelling them as art. His famous Fountain is nothing but a signed urinal, but captures the spirit of Dada. A worthless object has been signed to turn it into art, and is now something of value. Time, effort, and composition are no longer necessarily take into consideration to create art. L.H.O.O.Q. (Duchamp) was also another readymade piece of art, that is a mockery of traditional art. The name of the piece implies some kind of sexual joke based off the pun that comes from the French translation of Elle a chaud au cul, translating into There is a fire down below or She has a hot ass. This variant of the Mona Lisa was created many times, always with a moustache and beard in pencil upon the androgynous figures face. Taking part in the anti-art and nihilistic movement, Man Ray also began using readymades along with more conventional forms of media. His piece The Gift is a combination of an iron with rows of tacks glued to the bottom of. The object combines two ordinary objects to create a sadistic image and evokes a painful connection with the viewer. Another piece using a readymade by Ray is Indestructible Object. After photographing a picture of friend Lee Millers eye and placing it onto the moving pole of an analog metronome, Man Ray exhibited the piece naming it Object to Be Destroyed. In 1957, students destroyed his work, and after reconstructing, the piece was renamed Indestructible Object. Not only is the piece a part of Dada due to it being a readymade but the process and social criticism it received was expected from the movement. Acting against art, and raging for anti-art was a suitable response from viewers Surrealism Surrealism (began in the early 1920s) was a movement that succeeded Dada and contained many of the same artists. This cultural movement was highly influenced by the Freudian school of thought and psychiatry, dreams, fantasies and political motivations (Marxism/Communism/Anarchism) becoming a very intellectual reflection upon Parisian Nationalism, (sub)consciousness, and led to the creation of the Surrealist Manifesto. This movement to place across all media, such as painting, sculpture, photography, and film. The Surrealist Manifesto and the Second Manifesto of Surrealism were both written by Andre Breton. This poet was also a participant in the Dada movement, and at first praised automatic art and automatism of thoughts in art but later was more interested in narratives of dreams. The work of Salvador Dali is the quintessence of the period. His The Persistence of Memory is frighteningly realistic in terms of his technique like many of his other works, and uses symbols such as clocks, ants, and other unconscious creations. The reformation of a dream (in this case one of a paranoiac) on a canvas is the basis of most surrealist works. Another work that illustrates this Freudian idea of paranoia is Dalis Metamorphosis of Narcissus. The direct reflect of the staring Narcissus and the hand and egg is meant to recreate the feeling of paranoia when one mistakes one scenario for another. German Expressionism German Expressionism (1905-1925) was a period of raw, emotional art that took place between wars, during the recovery of World War I. The Treaty of Versailles had just been signed, and Germany was in large debt. This era was dedicated towards reflecting upon the difficult economy through not only paintings, but largely on film as well. This period was largely an influence on the Expressionism coming out of Germany at the same time. A cinematic example of a work of the era would be Metropolis by Fritz Lang. This science-fiction film was set in a relatable dystopia within a capitalist society where inter-class issues are the focus. Die Brucke was a group founded by four students specializing in architecture. These artists had no solid formal educations or school in art expect for some lessons. They worked cohesively and began a philosophical quest to bridge a bohemian life-style with a sense of imminent disaster. They were the driving force behind this movement. Sexual tension was a common theme in these pieces such as in Ernst Ludgwig Kitchners Self Portrait with Model and Georges Roualts Head of Christ. Both simplify shapes and use raw, simple colours to create very heavy, dense atmospheres around the pieces. Der Blaue Reiter was another group of artists led by Kandinsky and Franz Marc that wanted to approach their art more spiritually. These idealists sought to revive German art and eventually used woodcuts as their patriotic medium. Works from the group include Marcs The Tower of Blue Horses and Kandinskys Composition VII. This type of extreme and spiritual abstraction, and form simplification was part of the groups search for philosophical truth. Fauvism Fauvism (1904-1908), French for wild beasts, was a movement led by Henri Matisse and Andre Derain. Characteristics of the movement included bright areas of colour and flattening of form. The works were passionate and emotional with very painterly brush strokes and a focus on colour rather than realism. Matisses Woman with a Hat demonstrates this. Patches of colour surround the figure, and though a form is clear, there is definitely no focus upon trying to recreate what the artist saw directly. Rather, the colour scheme and interpretation of the colours at the moment are more important. This type of simplified colour/ figures is also seen with Matissess The Joy of Life. Andre Derain had worked with Matisse, and works such as Charing Cross Bridge exhibit the same type of bright, simplified colours but in a landscape setting. His Self-portrait in studio also shows this type of simplification, but with darker colours and more depth. This was a possible lead in to some of the ideas in the following movement. The boldness in colour and distortions during Fauvism is thought to have been from the influence of Van Gogh and Gaugins exhibited works. This was an incredibly modern movement in the 20th century. Cubism Analytic Cubism (1907-191) involves looking at the volume and space the structural unites from whicj to derive the faceted shapes of Analytic (or Facet) Cubism The facets are now so small and precise, more like prisms, and the canvas has the balance and refinement of a fully mature style There are high contrasts of texture and colour, monochromic palettes are common, and complex structures. Everything is broken down geometrically with sharp lines into cubistic forms. Synthetic Cubism (1912-1919) on the other hand was an alternative to Fauvism. Artists such as George Braque fell into this category, after beginning in Fauvism. This is also known as collage cubism. Form is flattened and there is a celebration of colour and the technique of collage. Some of Braques work in Analytic Cubism includes Violin, a piece that breaks apart a violin and is based off of a green hue, and The Mandolin, which focuses on different facets of a womans body practically disintegrating into sections. Picassos Still Life with Chair Caning and Guitar, Sheet Music, and Wine Glass are two examples of synthetic cubism. There are frames of reference, and things have been broken down in a way where it looks as if the final product was created through images being cut and paste on together. Bauhaus Bauhas was a school of thought that was founded by Walter Gropius in Germany and after development from previous concepts, buildings, and schools, the Bauhaus school building existed between 1919 and 1933 and had moved through three different cities due to Nazi pressure. Important components and influences of Bauhas wereInternational Style, functionalityin terms of (architectural) engineering, and geometric design principles. The Industrial Revolution, favtories, mass production and manufacturing were also a part of the movement. After the movement, many schools based their buildings and programs off the school. In general, the schools influence upon architecture, engineering, and redesign still impacts current lifestyles, presenting themselves everywhere in daily life (ex: the invention of tubular steel, flat-roofed buildings). The original director and master of Bauhaus, Gropius was largely responsible for the F 51 Armchair and Sofa. Other creations in modern dà ©cor by him include the D 51 and F 51-2. One of the later directors Ludwig Mies van der Rohe designed the Farnsworth house, 960-880 Lake Shore Drive Apartments, and Seagram building. All these buildings reflect upon his mission to advance architecture with the leaps in technology and industry, combining rationalism with spirituality. Universally known, his Barcelona Chair and Ottoman is a modernistic icon that involves a twist upon Curule chairs and was manufactured/ targeted towards the common man market. Hannes Meyer was the second director of Bauhaus and was the first to help the school earn profit. He brought significant commission for the school, including creating building for the Gederal School of the German Trade Unions in Bernau and five apartment buildings in Dessau. American Abstract Expressionism Abstract expressionism (1940s-1950s) was the first entirely American-caused movement in direct reaction to World War II. Paint was put onto a surface to create pure art that had no narrative. Rather the pieces depended purely on line, form, surface, and the way paint acts. Harold Rosenberg described Pollock and other Abstract Expressionist canvases as an arena in which to act. What was to go on the canvas was not a picture but an event. Many paintings were described as action paintings, in where the process and layering of the paint could be considered more interesting and important than the final product and composition itself. Mark Rothko would use chunks of paint to create his pieces, to create multiforms. This was his key style and can be seen in No. 3/ No. 13. The canvas consists of only 6 colours in blocks. Another example is his painting No. 10. In contrast, Jackson Pollock often threw paint onto the surface, allowing it to do what paint does. His paintings No. 5, and Lavender are examples of his paint-throwing and recognizable dripping techniques. Other examples of Abstract Expressionist works include Lee Krasners Celebration and Little Image paintings, along with Barnett Newmans Onement 1and Whos Afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue? Pop Art Pop art (began in mid 1950s) was based in Britain and the United States. Pop art was a diurect reaction to the high intellectualism of Abstract Expressionism, often focusing upon ordinary objects and regular daily commodities. Subject matter often included objects such as soup cans, boxes, comic boos, photos, etc. Pop culture and the Hollywood scene was a major influence upon the art during this age of mechanical reproduction. Richard Hamiltons collage Just What Is it that Makes Todays Homes So Different, So Appealing? is an iconic piece created from images from American magazines and is a reflection upon the economy, homes, and lifestyle of the time. Andy Warhols Campbells Soup I and series used the American food staple as the subject to avoid competing with Roy Lichensteins comic strip pieces and his potential as a consumer, being solely dedicated to the brand and product. Lictensteins infamous Whaam!contains an image of an American plane destroying an enemy jet. This comic-strip type of art was a reflection on the American lifestyle and the popularity of comic books during the age and the piece was based off an actual comic book panel. The piece tries not to develop a purposeful connection with the audience, allowing viewers to develop their own thoughts and interpretation of the image and caption. Claes Oldenburg also used this idea of consumer products, and often create soft sculptures of mundane obje cts. Lipstick (Ascending) on Caterpillar Tracks involved an oversized lipstick that would constantly deflate itself unless pumped by a viewer. Other pieces from the era include Oldenburgs Soft Bathtub (Model), Lichtensteins Drowning Girl, Hamiltons Interior and Warhols Brillo Box. Earth Art During Earth Art (late 1960s into early 1970s), artists began a movement against the restrictive qualities of galleries and traditional exhibitions. A desire for an open canvas led to the use of nature as a medium. In reaction to consumerism and the vast commercialization of art, the reaction of these artists was to create something impossible to purchase by using only natural materials, usually in an environment that could not be sold. As well, the temporary nature of most of these works would factor into how unfeasible it would be to attempt to purchase these works. Usually, these works can only exist through documentation as they are otherwise eradicated by time. Leading artist Robert Smithson created the Broken Circle and Spiral Jetty, two famous works that emerged during the period. Both pieces are protected, but nevertheless people still try to obtain parts of these works. Richard Long creates his pieces through walking upon paths entirely drawn from him. A Circle in Alaska Be ring Straight Driftwood on the Arctic Circle and A Line Made By Walking are two works both created through the pure interaction of his body and his earth. They will only last until nature takes its course, a trademark of Earth art. Christo and his wife Jean Claude focused their works upon the form that the world takes up, and wanted people to see things in a new perspective. Through many wrapped pieces, they considered themselves to be bringing unseen beauty to certain environemtns. The Running Fence and the wrapping of Point Neuf Bridge are some incredibly recognizable pieces. Both are reflections upon the form of nature. Minimalism Minimalism (late 1960s-early 1970s) involved the belief that there should be no agenda for a piece but the piece should be centred on itself. This type of art implies true aesthetic value. Often the works are precise, mechanical, and ready to be manufactured in a factory setting. The pieces are repetitive with no symbolism and are modular. Contrasting colours, sharp outlines, and a basis on geometric forms and the frame of reference were also components of this style. This was also applicable in the sculptural aspects of the style. Materials for this type of sculpture was usually industrial, ex: fiberglass, plastics/ other synthetics, metals. Donald Judds pieces are often untitled works that are simple and based purely on mathematics and geometry. This was also the same with Robert Morris. Richard Serra has a piece similar to one of Judds untitled works where a sculpture contains contains circles within circles at different tilts and heights. These were installations, however Solomon LeWitt focused more upon two dimensional pieces like Isometric Projection, Untitled (lithograph), and Tower. Serras The Matter Of Time and Fulcrum are sculptures based purely on untreated metals and steels. Performance Art Current Performance Art began in the beginning of the first half of the 20th century. The movement was dedicated towards the history of theatre. However, by the 1970s, Performance Art was usually concentrated and combined efforts on Happenings and Conceptual Art with installations. Shock value, (self-) mutilation, explicit sexuality, grotesque and unconventional humour. Audience interaction and breaking the fourth wall was also quite common. Laurie Anderson is a musician who experiments not only in sound through playing the violin and piano, but with her performances as well. She created the tape-bow violin that is still used as an experimental type of instrument by artists and musicians today. In the 1970s she performed/ recorded a violin piece while performing until the block of ice of which she stood on with ice skates completely melted away. Vito Acconci created an installation named Seedbed in which he was located beneath a ramp at the Sonnabend Gallery, where he masturbated and created a speaker system to allow his speakers here his voice and thoughts. Joseph Beuys had some notable performances, particularly when he became involved with Fluxus temporarily. His performance, How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare involved Beuys speaking into the ear of a dead hare he held in his arms, while his boot had an attached piece of iron, and his face was covered in honey and gold leaf. All these objects had a symbolic meanin g and there was an intended intellectual message for his audience. This Fluxus movement involiving multi-media flow also produced member Yoko Ono. Her performance Cut Piece (which can also be considered a happening) involved the audience participating through cutting her clothing off until she was naked. This allowed Ono to communicate her own feelings towards her audience through body and performance, rather than conventional mediums.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
John P Roche-The Founding Fathers: A Reform Caucus in Action Essay
John P. Roche published a Thesis â€Å"The Founding Fathers a Reform Caucus in Action†where managed to dwell upon the significance of the contribution made by the builders of a country. He characterizes them as great contributors. Apart from that, the author claims that the creation of the constitution was a natural and entirely democracy connected process, which equally contributed to the creation of state, economy, and politics. He calls a target reader to give the Founders acknowledgements for the big efforts they made and value their efforts, which resulted in the arising of the strong and influential country. The members of the Philadelphia convention were obliged to perform significant formation work to satisfy all the needs and fill in all the political gaps that were previously overlooked. He proves that the motive of founders was fair and aimed at the promotion of prosperity of a state. What was an essential concern for the founding fathers when drafting the articles of confederation? According to the position of P. Roche, it was a significant contribution to gather Philadelphia conference and change the social and political orders. Thanks to their bright minds and legislative competence, they managed to imply changes and implement the same political rights for all citizens. Apart from that, they defended the interests of the layman. They led to conclude that the government was not strong enough and more innovative measures were needed. Founders managed to keep the state functioning correctly by modifying the constitutional issues. The task was rather tough – they were obliged to keep everyone happy and look for the ways of satisfying the demands of all citizens. Founders managed to elaborate and structure the statute of the future state. They launched a powerful mechanism that proves to be effective for many years. Thanks to their contribution, the state’s economy is stable; the political system functions appropriately and proves to be well built. Roche claims that the most prominent contribution of the Founders a successful convincing of men from all parts of the country that the changes are necessary in the process of creation of a strong and united nation. I support the position of Roche. According to his point of view, Founders contributed to the development of USA exceedingly being oriented on the interests of people. Their most significant achievements were that they have realized that to win respect and acknowledgment of people, it is necessary to satisfy their interests. Politicians have realized that the Articles of Confederation were a failure. They came to the conclusion that the USA would not develop. The ability to think globally and make right decisions made them successful and efficient rulers. Each of Founding Fathers made his contribution to the development of the state. B. Franklin propagated the idea of political self-determination of the North American colonies, for the first time called them states (states), advocated their confederation. Concerning general political questions, he promoted the natural equality of people. The emergence of inequality, property, and laws associated with the creation of society and state. B. Franklin advocated the legal equality of citizens, the democratic consolidation of their rights, equality of votes of states, powers of the Senate and the US Congress. He laid the democratic traditions of local constitutionalism and federalism. How does Jefferson support his major premise in the body of the declaration of independence? Jefferson still hoped for the peaceful rendering by England of independence of the American colonies. He added a list of abuses, which England made to the citizens. As the principal author of the preliminary version of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson proceeded from a democratic and revolutionary interpretation of the natural-law doctrine and substantiated the legality of the separation of colonies from England and the formation of an independent state. The statement of natural and civil rights, the justification of people’s position in the society and the people’s right to express one’s position made the Declaration an outstanding theoretical and political document of the era. These are the essential points of the author of the Declaration of Independence of the United States. First, for Jefferson, there are apparent truths – all people are created equal, endowed with inalienable rights: to life, freedom, desire for happiness. These ideas confirmed the unacceptability of the class privileges and feudal rights, the equality of colonists with the inhabitants of the metropolis. Secondly, to ensure human rights, according to Jefferson, people are founded by states, governments. Thus, the people’s right to revolution was substantiated. Third, the author of the Declaration consistently advocated a republican form of government for the country, based on universal suffrage, equal representation in legislative institutions, the election of executive bodies and judges, the variability of judges, jurors, sheriffs, and extensive self-governance. T. Jefferson is a supporter of a clear division of the competence of the three authorities in the republic. I was convinced that state power should promote and not restrict citizens’ freedom. Fourth, the actual basis of the new country government, according to Jefferson, is the equality of â€Å"every citizen, the level of personal and property rights and the disposal of them.†In his opinion, equality is based on the will of the people and should be consistently carried out in every paragraph of the constitution. This equality must be realized primarily in the general electoral law, the right of the people to elect officials and judges. Fifth, Jefferson claimed that the right becomes the right because it is the will of the nation. However, he saw the danger of unification of legislation for all states, its threat to self-government. Sixth, Jefferson does not leave hope that humanity will soon â€Å"learn to derive the benefit of every right and authority that it owns or can take upon itself.†The ineffectiveness of unlimited power, its abuse can lead to corruption. At a certain point, Founding Fathers have realized, that arose the need for implements changes. For that reason. They gathered to reshape the structure of state and develop a new set of constitution articles allowing regulating all political and social issues. They managed to achieve nationhood. These people managed to understand that sometimes it is necessary to take control over the situation in the country and implement changes even if citizens do not see the necessity of such radical measures. The period of the struggle for independence of the United States was marked by their victory, the creation of a state confederation. Bibliography Woll, Peter. American Government: Readings and Cases. 16th ed.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Development and Social Change Essay
DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL CHANGE STRATEGIES IN KENYA IN THE 21ST CENTURY DEFINATIONS Strategy is a high level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty. Strategy is important because the resources available to achieve these goals are usually limited. Strategy is also about attaining and maintaining a position of advantage over adversaries through the successive exploitation of known or emergent possibilities rather than committing to any specific fixed plan designed at the outset. Henry Mintzberg from McGill University defined strategy as â€Å"a pattern in a stream of decisions†to contrast with a view of strategy as planning while Max McKeown (2011) argues that â€Å"strategy is about shaping the future†and is the human attempt to get to â€Å"desirable ends with available means†. Development means a progression from a simpler or lower to a more advanced, mature, or complex form or stage. It is also defined as the gradual advancement or growth through a series of progressive changes. Development is a process, not a leve l. It is a path to achieve certain goals. see more:factors affecting social change INTRODUCTION In the 21st century Kenyans have come up with different strategies to advocate for development and social change. These strategies are mostly based on economic issue, political issue, and social issues those which are affecting the development and growth of our country. These strategies are aiming at transforming Kenya into a newly industrialized middle income country providing a high quality life to all its citizens. For these development to be achieved thre have to be an all inclusive and participartory stakeholders and a consultive process involving Kenyan from all parts of the country. Kenyans are also willing to from suggestions by some of the leading local and international experts on the newly industrialized countries around the world have made the leap from poverty to widely spread prosperity and equity. Every strategy has been developed to address issues lying across them e.g. economic strategy aims to improve the prosperity of all Kenyans through an economic development programme covering all the regions in Kenya. Social strategy seeks to build a just and cohesive society with social equity in clean and secure environment. Political strategy aims to realize a democratic political system founded on issue based politics that respect the rule of law and protect the rights and freedom of every individual. Kenyans in the 21st century are advocating for a consultive approach in its development involving as many ordinary Kenyans and stakeholders as possible i.e. public service, private sector, civil society, media and non government organization. The importance of consultations is to provide in-depth understanding of countries development problems and necessary strategies to achieve development. Detailed analysis is carried under the consultative approach in order to come up with the s trategies capable of resolving the social and political problems that face Kenyans today. Findings In every category of the strategy Kenyans have come up with ways to address the problem found in that particular category. The Social Strategy Kenya’s journey towards prosperity also involves the building of a just and cohesive society, enjoying equitable social development in a clean and secure environment. This quest is the basis of transformation of the problems found in the category of social strategy, I .e. Education and Training; Health; Water and Sanitation; the Environment; Housing and Urbanization; as well as in Gender, Youth, Sports and Culture; and also in terms of promoting equity and poverty reduction across the entire Kenyan society. It also makes special provisions for Kenyans with various disabilities and previously marginalized communities. Education and Training Under education and training Kenya will provide a globally competitive quality education, training and research for development. The overall goal for 21st century is to reduce illiteracy by increasing access to education, improving the transition rate from primary to secondary schools, and raising the quality and relevance of education. The Health Sector To improve the overall livelihoods of Kenyans, the country aims to provide an efficient and high quality health care system with the best standards. This will reduce health inequalities and improve key areas where Kenya is lagging, especially in lowering infant and maternal mortality. Specific strategies will involve: provision of a robust health infrastructure network; improving the quality of health service delivery to the highest standards and promotion of partnerships with the private sector. Water and Sanitation Kenya is a water scarce country. The country therefore aims to conserve water sources and start new ways of harvesting and using rain and underground water. The 21st century has a vision for Water and Sanitation is to ensure that improved water and sanitation are available and accessible to all. The goal to increase both access to safe water and sanitation in both rural and urban areas beyond present levels The Environment Kenya aims to be a nation living in a clean, secure and sustainable environment. Specific strategies will involve: promoting environmental conservation for better support to the economic pillar, improving pollution and waste management through the design and application of economic incentives; and the commissioning of public-private partnerships for improved efficiency in water and sanitation delivery. Housing and Urbanization The 2030 vision for housing and urbanization is an adequately and decently housed nation in sustainable all inclusive environment. The goal for 2012 is to increase the annual production of housing units from the current 35,000 annually to over 200,000. Kenya’s cities and towns are poorly planned. There is an acute need therefore for an effective capacity for regional and urban development planning. In addition, there will be better development of and access to affordable and adequate housing; enhanced access to adequate finance for developers and buyers, and pursue targeted key reforms to unlock the potential of the housing sector. 6. Gender, Youth and Vulnerable Groups The 2030 vision for gender, youth and vulnerable groups is gender equity, improved livelihoods for vulnerable groups, and a responsible, globally competitive and prosperous youth. The goal for 2012 is to increase opportunities all-round among women, youth and all disadvantaged groups. 7. Equity and Poverty Elimination The 2030 goal for Equity and poverty elimination is to reduce the number of people living in poverty to a tiny proportion of the total population. Kenya will aim at a society that guarantees equality of opportunity in accessing public services and providing income generating activities as widely as possible. That will be achieved by placing the citizens at a level of income sufficient to cater for basic requirements of a healthy, productive life. 8. Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Vision 2030 will be based on the creation of international competitiveness through more efficient productivity at the firm and household level, with government support. However, all the strategies and flagship projects will exploit knowledge in science, technology and innovation (STI) in order to function more efficiently, improve social welfare, and also promote democratic governance. STI can and will be applied in all the lead sectors. The education and training curricula in the country will, therefore, be modified to ensure that the creation, adoption, adaptation and usage of knowledge become part of formal instruction. Economic strategy The Kenyan economy, East Africa’s largest, has experienced considerable growth in the past few years, driven by several key factors. The country enjoys some particular advantages: a reasonably well-educated labour force, a vital port that serves as an entry point for goods destined for countries in the East African and Central Africa interior, abundant wildlife and kilometers of attractive coastline and above all, a government that is committed to implementing business reforms. This strategy seeks to improve the prosperity of all regions of the country and all Kenyans by achieving a 10% Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate by 2012(vision 2030). To achieve this target, Kenya is continuing with the tradition of macro-economic stability that has been established since 2002. It is also addressing other key constraints, notably, a low savings to GDP ratio, which can be alleviated by drawing in more remittances from Kenyans abroad, as well as increased foreign investment and overseas development assistance The country is continuing with the governance and institutional reforms necessary to accelerate economic growth. Others critical problems being addressed include poor infrastructure and high energy costs. The five key sectors described below are being given priority as the key growth drivers for achievement of the economic vision: * Tourism * Increasing value in agriculture * A better and more inclusive wholesale and retail trade sector * Manufacturing for the regional market * Financial services Tourism This sector aims to be one of the top ten long- haul tourist destination in the world. To achieve this it has put ahead some strategies as their guideline that is offering a high end, diverse and distinctive visitor experience, achieving high tourist revenue by improving facilities in all underutilized parks, creating new high value niche product and investing in new conference facilities to boost business tourism Agriculture This aims to promote an innovative, commercially- oriented and modern agricultural sector. This will be accomplished through transforming key institution in agricultural and livestock to promote agricultural growth, increasing productivity of crop and livestock, introducing more irrigable areas in arid and semi- arid areas for both crops and livestock. It also aim sat adding value to our firm and live stock products before they reach local and international market (vision 2030) Whole sale and retail market Aims to raise earnings by giving our large informal sector opportunities to transform itself into a part of a formal sector that is efficient, multi tiered, diversified in product range and innovative. This will be raised through training and credit, improving efficiency by reducing the number of players between the producer and the consumer (vision 2030) Manufacturing It aims to have a robust, diversified and competitive manufacturing sector. This will be achieved through the implementation of the following restricting key local industries that use raw materials but are currently uncompetitive, exploiting opportunities in value addition to agricultural product. The Political Pillar This aims to realize a democratic political system founded on issue-based politics that respects the rule of law, and protects the rights and freedoms of every individual in Kenyan society. It hopes to transform Kenya into a state in which equality is entrenched, irrespective of one’s race, ethnicity, religion, gender or socio-economic status; a nation that respects and harnesses the diversity of its peoples’ values, traditions and aspirations for the benefit of all its citizens. The political pillar vision for 2030 is â€Å"a democratic political system that is issue-based, people-centered, result-oriented and accountable to the public.†An issue-based system is one in which political differences are about means to meet the widest public interest. â€Å"People-centered†goals refer to the system’s responsiveness to the needs and rights of citizens, whose participation in all public policies and resource allocation processes is both fully appreciated and facilitated. A result-oriented system is stable, predictable and whose performance is based on measurable outcomes. An accountable system is one that is open and transparent and one that permits free flow of information. This vision is expected to guarantee Kenya’s attainment of the specific goals outlined under Vision 2030’s economic and social pillars To meet objectives outlined in the economic and social pillars, Kenya’s national governance system is being transformed and reformed to acquire high-level executive capability consistent with a rapidly industrializing country. The country is adopting a democratic decentralization process with substantial devolution in policy-making, public resource management and revenue sharing through devolve d funds. This has been achieved through a delivery of a new constitutional dispensation which came in effect in August 2010. Transformation within Kenya’s political governance system under Vision 2030 is expected to take place across six strategic initiatives, whose overarching visions, goals and specific strategies for 2012 are as follows: * Rule of law * Electoral and political processes * Democracy and public service delivery * Transparency and accountability * Security, peace building, and conflict management Rule of law Under the rule of law the vision 2030 is adherence to the rule of law is as applicable to a modern market based economy in a human right respecting state. A lighting the national policy and legal framework with the need of a market based economy, national human right and gender equality commitment. Increasing access and quality of service available to the public and reducing barriers of justice. Democracy and public service delivery People centered and political engaged open society, pursuing, constitutional and legal reforms necessary to dissolve to more resources and responsibility to local governance institution. Encouraging formal and informal civil education and action programmes, promoting open engagement between government and civil society as well as the free flow of information. Transparency and accountability Transparent, accountability, ethical and result oriented government institution strengthening the legal framework for ant- corruption, ethics and integrity. Promoting result based management within the public service, introducing civilian oversight around key legal justice and security, strengthening government legislative oversight capacity. Security Security of all persons and property throughout the republic, Promoting public- private cooperation and community involvement for improved safety and security, Deeping policy legal and institutional reforms for improved enforcement of law and order, Promoting national and international dialogue in order to build harmony among ethnic, racial and other groups. Electoral and political process Seeks to cultivate genuinely competitive and issue based politics introducing rules and regulations covering political policies, enhancing the legal and regulatory framework covering electrical process, conducting civil education programmers to widen knowledge and participation among citizens leading to an informed active citizens. Conclusion For development and social change to occur Kenyans in the 21st century Kenyans should evaluate the pre and post development and analyze the strategies they want to put across and see whether they will be of any impact or they will be able to serve them effectively. There should be an integration of all strategies for sustainable development to occur. That is they should put value both in economic, social and political strategies. Commitment is expected for both the government and civil society, international, local and personal positive relationships are also major contributors to sustainable development in the 21st century. Mission, vision, goals and objectives should be successfully laid, well defined and achievable. References Vision 2030 document The national broad strategy Vision 2030 flagship project
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Gender Roles Of Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
Gender Roles in Romance Comics Author and civil rights activist Maya Angelou once said, â€Å"How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!†. When one thinks of comic books, it is very likely that the subjects that come to mind are Marvel’s Spiderman or DC’s Batman. Although comic books are stereotypically thought to be mainly about super heroes, there are a wide variety of subject matter they could be written about, such as romance. In the 1950s – 1960s, it was common for these romance comics to exploit the social norms of that time and emphasized the subject of gender roles. While the men in comic books were usually illustrated in a brave heroic manner, the women would be portrayed to be what would now be considered a stereotypical â€Å"trophy wife†. As a young child reading these comics and taking in these images, they are slowly molding their ideals to believe that what they are reading and seeing is what is acc epted and normal in their society. By coding gender norms into the texts, authors are helping mold the ideology of its readers to believe that it is acceptable for both genders to follow specific rules that accommodate to the believed social norms of the time. To begin, â€Å"I Love You Too Much!†tells the story of young girl who was able to find her one true love, but was not able to keep him for long. The aspiring doctor was focused and determined to I his studies and his practice, but would put pause to all that in order to spend time withShow MoreRelated Gender Roles in Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare Essay857 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, there is an overlaying presence of the typical roles that men and women were supposed to play. During Elizabethan times there was a major difference between the way men and women were supposed to act. Men typically were supposed to be masculine and powerful, and defend the honor. 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